Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) sponsors again the "CNN Heroes" project of CNN for the second year in a row, from October through December 2014. In its eighth year "CNN Heroes" sheds light on everybody heroes with extraordinary achievement in the fields such as environment or human rights and lets the world know how an individual can make a difference to society.

Langenhagen/Germany, October 10th, 2014The initiatives of "CNN Heroes" align with Konica Minolta’s socially responsible management vision. Besides, this sponsorship will help Konica Minolta to enhance the brand value and recognition of its global activities. The company’s special website "Giving Shape to Ideas 'Social Actions'" will feature stories from "CNN Heroes" and social contribution activities at the Konica Minolta Group’s global community. Under the brand proposition "Giving Shape to Ideas," Konica Minolta supports a broad range of activities contributing to the environment and society. Another engagement for instance is the participation of Konica Minolta in the UN Global Compact to fulfil its diverse social responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and corruption prevention. Therefore, the company has gained a positive reputation in the international community. On the environmental front, for example, Konica Minolta has launched its Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2016 based on the concept of pursuing both the resolution of environmental challenges and enhancing corporate competitiveness. Focusing on its Three Green Activities (Green Products, Green Factories and Green Marketing initiatives), the company is working to achieve specific targets in terms of both corporate growth and environmental impact reduction. On the human rights front, Konica Minolta established a conflict minerals compliance policy in 2014 to help prevent human rights violations and will continue to bolster its efforts."CNN Heroes" Sponsorship Overview
MediaCNN US: TV and online
CNN International: TV* and online
SponsorshipOn TV, Konica Minolta’s commercial will run in the annual award ceremony (two hours), featured short programs and Vignette.
On the Net, promotional banners and pre-roll videos are posted on CNN Heroes pages at CNN.com and CNN.com International. In addition, CNN and Konica Minolta’s co-branded web banner is posted on at CNN.com and CNN.com International.
Sponsorship PeriodOctober 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
*In North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America and South AfricaFor more information, please visit:
Konica Minolta Giving Shape to Ideas Special Site "Social Actions":

