Printer Device Security

Secure printing environment at Konica Minolta

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Safety always comes first

In every company, employees manage vast amounts of information every day – much of which will be confidential, of course. Documents, personal data, addresses, budgets, plans, mock-ups and countless other resources are printed, copied and scanned with every passing hour at commercial organisations of every shape and size, and without reliable document security, they run a high risk of such sensitive data falling into unauthorised hands.

The consequences of this – with future plans and mock-ups copied with no password and distributed to competitor companies, personal data sold, and budgets revealed – could potentially be disastrous.

device security infographic

Introducing "The Hacker"

Over the course of 80+ hours, multiple efforts were made to access the operating system of Konica Minolta's MFPs by trained experts at NTT Data, an internationally respected IT services provider. All attempts to extract data failed, with the MFPs maintaining the privacy and integrity of the stored information!

Prevent damage to finances and reputation

Data security is one of the most important aspects of running a successful and reliable business today. One or two tiny chinks in your company’s security “armour” can lead to confidential data being exposed, and your reputation in the industry being ruined. Konica Minolta provides you with secure printing devices guaranteed not to let you down, and a range of highly reliable, standard solutions. Security breach detection and prevention help companies prevent damage to their finances and reputation at both the corporate and individual levels. 

Avoiding a cyber hostage crisis

Many small and medium sized businesses are considering tools and strategies to make remote work a permanent part of their business and whilst remote work brings new opportunities, it also brings new challenges.

A recent poll amongst IT decision makers in Europe shows the extent to which security threats have recently become a widespread challenge for businesses. Our handy eBook guides you through the main security factors to consider in digitally transforming your business.

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Don’t make the mistake of neglecting security issues connected with MFPs. If a device is accessible by a wide range of different users (including staff, visitors and contractors), the risk of a data leak does increase. Konica Minolta offers secure printing solutions combining fast access to all of the device’s functionalities with the ability to control the access rights of employees. This ensures confidential data cannot be accessed by visitors or unauthorised personnel. Konica Minolta systems remain secure, flexible and user-friendly at all times – so you’re very much the one in control. 

With Konica Minolta, you know you’re implementing exactly the right data security policies, and can ensure those newly-copied confidential documents lying in the MFP output tray or files stored on the hard disk of a device don’t fall into the wrong hands of persons with unauthorized access. The comprehensive range of security measures offered by Konica Minolta lets you guarantee the security of your documents and data.

Our devices are designed to be integrated into network environments, ensuring all printing processes need to comply with stringent security standards, and potential security threats are closed using the network connection. All of which ensures you benefit from the numerous ways Konica Minolta protects your data, and limits access to confidential information.

Konica Minolta partners with Bitdefender – a leader in IT security – for the development of its bizhub i-Series. Bitdefender’s leading edge anti-virus solution has been embedded in the MFP’s firmware and monitors all scanned files and documents transferred to and from it in real time. It also enables automatic virus scanning on hard drives as well as manual scans.

All bizhub i-Series models are ready for GDPR, and ISO 15408 certified HCD-PP, so data privacy standards and security requirements are met.

Benefits of Printer Device Security

Virus scan via Bitdefender

Fax line security

GDPR ready

ISO 15408 certified HCD-PP

Ports and protocols secured by administrator

S/MIME encryption

SMTP authentication


User authentication methods 


Get the Quocirca Print Security Excerpt

Quocirca has recognised Konica Minolta as a leader in Quocirca’s 2024 assessment of the print security market. The company has been recognised for the advances it has made in its multi-layered approach to print security, citing 'secure and robust product design'; 'customised security solutions and services such as bizhub SECURE', and support customers through the automation of security.

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Konica Minolta named a "Major Player" in IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Security Solutions and Services Hardcopy

The MarketScape report notes Konica Minolta’s Intelligent Connected Workplace business philosophy as a key strength in the company’s offerings. It states, “[Konica Minolta] takes a holistic view of security and includes print assets within the construct of an overall view of IT security.” The report also notes companies should consider Konica Minolta because, “Konica Minolta's vision for the Intelligent Connected Workplace provides a solid foundation for those organisations looking to implement security as part of a modernised approach for print and document infrastructure.” 

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device security use case thumbnail

Device Security use case

Today, virtually every business has multifunctional printers (MFPs) that print, scan, copy, fax and even send emails. Since the systems have both a hard disk and are connected to the company network and are usually located in places that are accessible to many people, they can represent a significant security gap if not adequately protected.

Download our use case now

Groenhuysen Foundation success story

The Groenhuysen foundation is a care provider in the Dutch Roosendaal region. They offer services predominantly for elderly customers, from convenience and comfort to intensive care, both in the form of home care as well as in their excellent care facilities. Around 2,300 employees and an additional 1,300 volunteers are committed to the everyday needs and the wellbeing of Groenhuysen’s 4,000 customers. When it came to upgrading their MFP to ensure sensitive data is protected in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Groenhuysen relied on the support of its long-term partner Konica Minolta and decided for bizhub SECURE.

Read our success story
Groenhuysen central office in Stichting

Our Printer Device Security solutions

Easy guide to secure, simple printing practices

In our last blog article “Are you confident in the security of your printers?” we discussed why organisations should...

Further reading


Are you confident in the security of your printers?

If your printers could talk, imagine the secrets they could share. Even though these devices are the conduit between...


How SMBs can prevent the security vulnerabilities associated with their printed documents

A recent study by Quocirca has revealed serious gaps in the security of printed documents at small and medium-sized...


Learn how our Printer Device Security solutions can help your business

We know that every organisation is unique, which is why each engagement starts with a conversation. We're ready to listen, so contact us today.