Productivity and Collaboration

Which daily mindless tasks give you the most headaches?

No Brain - no gain?

Do you also often wish for relief from tedious no-brainer tasks that just steal your time and are annoying? The daily processes and "paperwork" can sometimes be a real full-time job and unnecessarily hinder you and your team. 


Finding documents – a vexing ordeal?

If your organisation has several storage locations, how do you know which one to look in? Can you search for a term or phrase inside a document, or only by file name?

Make searching a fast and seamless experience by connecting an enterprise content management (ECM) system like M-Files.

  • You don't have to try and guess where it's stored.
  • You don’t have to switch between applications to search for it.

Are translations too time-consuming and take too long?

You don't have the time to give the documents to a translation agency or you don't want to enter the texts piece by piece into the browser of an online translation provider? Do you dream of being able to translate an entire document from another language simply by pressing a button?

Get translations at the touch of a button with Workplace Pure. Workplace Pure offers a Translate service that:

  • Can translate even very large documents in popular Word, PDF and PPT formats and delivers the translation as an editable document with the original page layout (including tables, graphics, images, etc.).
  • Is based on Deepl's proven AI translation technology
  • Is available in over 25 languages

Tired of the email merry-go-round?

Does your document collaboration rely on emailing drafts to contributors and reviewers? Without simultaneous editing, everyone has to wait their turn to contribute. Alternatively, each contributor sends their changes separately - creating a complex and error-prone consolidation task.

If you’ve had enough of collaborating by email, it’s time to use Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online:

  • In Microsoft Teams, simply share the link to the latest version of the document to people (internal and external) who need access.
  • You can give permissions rights.
  • You can all work in the document at the same time.
  • You get the document history at touch of a button.

Effective project management - a Herculean task?

Managing projects, monitoring whether task packages have been completed by project participants and ensuring that deadlines are met can be challenging. Especially when several people/teams are involved in different departments and possibly in different locations.

If you need a simple and clear tool to manage projects, then use Microsoft Planner. Because here you can:

  • Assign tasks to project participants.
  • Keep an overview of the task status.
  • Monitor the adherence to deadlines.

Meeting over – Forgotten what was discussed?

Do you rush from one online meeting to another? Do you easily lose track of what was discussed? While virtual meetings can be recorded, it can be difficult to take notes or find key information from discussions. Handwritten notes can be inaccurate and searching through recordings can easily involve laborious searching which wastes time and resources.

Take full advantage of virtual meetings using Microsoft Teams, OneNote and Stream.

  • You receive a transcript for every recorded meeting that you can skim afterwards without having to listen to the recording again.
  • You can copy the most important information into your personal notebook OneNote and mark the corresponding to-dos.

Goodbye manual processes, hello automation!


Do you still manage your contracts in the traditional, paper-based way?  

Then you probably know that this takes up a lot of space in the office, data entry and searching are time-consuming, and critical dates or contract durations can easily be overlooked.


Does your invoicing and approval process still consist of many manual steps?  

If your accounting team still has to send approvers the printed invoices or forward them scanned copies via email, how much time does this process cost you?  

Or if your accounts payable department has to manually extract information to match invoices to purchase orders, this can lead to incorrect figures being recorded due to human error.

Personnel Files

Does your HR department still manage personnel files in paper form?  

Then you may know how difficult it is to keep these files and archives audit-proof and compliant in the face of increasing compliance requirements such as GDPR.  

Don't even get us started on the space requirements of paper files and searching for information, especially for companies with workforces and HR managers in multiple locations.

Enterprise Content Management solutions such as M-Files are especially useful in departments such as legal, accounting and human resources, where processes will benefit from being digitised.  

  • With digital contract management, digital invoice management and digital personnel file, contracts, invoices and HR files respectively are stored in a single database.  

  • With everything in one place, information is available to authorised users at the touch of a button, speeding up processes like approvals while maintaining information security. 



Does producing digitised documents and processing the information take too long?

If you scan incoming invoices, delivery notes and other documents for processing and storage, you’ll know how much time it takes to name and save the files. It’s also easy to introduce mistakes when manually assigning file names and storage locations.

An intelligent document routing solution like Dispatcher Phoenix solves the file naming and storage challenge and streamlines post and email forwarding. This saves time and increases accuracy.

Dispatcher Phoenix

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Further reading

Productivity & Collaboration

Link enterprise content management (ECM) to Microsoft 365 and unleash its full potential for digital collaboration

Quick access to information is often a challenge for office and remote workers. Solve it by linking enterprise...


Electronic signatures: make them an integral part of your digital processes

As businesses pursue digital transformation, many are looking to adopt electronic signatures. What are the key...



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