Over the course of 80+ hours, multiple efforts were made to access the operating system of Konica Minolta's MFPs by trained experts at NTT Data, an internationally respected IT services provider. All attempts to extract data failed, with the MFPs maintaining the privacy and integrity of the stored information!
The Groenhuysen foundation is a care provider in the Dutch Roosendaal region. They offer services predominantly for elderly customers, from convenience and comfort to intensive care, both in the form of home care as well as in their excellent care facilities. Around 2,300 employees and an additional 1,300 volunteers are committed to the everyday needs and the wellbeing of Groenhuysen’s 4,000 customers. When it came to upgrading their MFP to ensure sensitive data is protected in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Groenhuysen relied on the support of its long-term partner Konica Minolta and decided for bizhub SECURE.
As an innovative digital workplace provider and partner, Konica Minolta offers an all-round 360-degree security concept covering all relevant fields, from IT security and information security consulting, through to security for multifunctional printing devices (MFPs) and printers, and video surveillance.