Konica Minolta announces the acquisition of Nextagenda, a specialist in data-driven services within Business Intelligence (BI) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The company is based in Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark, and has succeeded in building an impressive portfolio of services that complement the offerings of Konica Minolta in Northern Europe. The acquisition is a natural continuation of the strategic focus on data-driven solutions that add value to the customers’ digital transformation.

Konica Minolta is on a targeted journey towards becoming a 360-degree partner in all types of data-driven services. Especially in Northern Europe, this has resulted in significant growth and an influx of customers in completely new market segments. The acquisition is a logical step and an interesting addition of new competencies that can add further value to customer solutions. An agreement was signed on October 11 and both parties are looking forward to capitalising on the new synergy.

Nextagenda was founded 5 years ago on the belief that data represents the true value of the future. The company has built substantial competencies in the fields of business intelligence, advanced analytics, data warehousing, machine learning, IoT and CRM. Nextagenda is a certified Microsoft Gold Partner on data analytics and cloud platform and in recognition of its steep growth rate, Nextagenda received a Gazelle Award 2019 from the Danish business newspaper Børsen.

"We have succeeded in attracting skilled employees and experts with key knowledge that can give Konica Minolta's solutions extra impact," says Mads Rørdam and is supplemented by his Nextagenda co-partner Morten Wesenberg: "Therefore, we are pleased that the business will continue unchanged under the new ownership."

The best performing companies today base their decisions and success on data and business insights. Whether it is disciplines such as business intelligence and data warehousing, managing customer relationships through CRM or perhaps leveraging the new opportunities with IoT, data can create value for innovative companies that will lead the way. With the acquisition of Nextagenda, Konica Minolta will be even better prepared to help push the development forward.

About Nextagenda

Nextagenda provides solutions for visionary organisations and companies that want to leverage the value of data with the aim of becoming more data-driven and achieving significant business benefits. The deliveries cover all aspects of data management and utilisation, including consulting, business clarification and analysis, data architecture and solution design, development and implementation services, plus support and training. Nextagenda is a certified Microsoft Gold Partner within Data & AI as well as Cloud. The company is based in Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark.
