Five ways you can adapt to the printing industry’s changing landscape

An aging workforce and lack of skilled employees, shifting print demand, increased manufacturing competition, rising...


Why it’s time to embrace remote servicing for a faster fix

Its Friday afternoon, your printer has an issue that is not seemingly easy to fix and there is a busy weekend of...


The power of physical print

Our relationship with print has been tested over the past few years, particularly by the impact of the pandemic.


Five hot drupa takeaways

What will be the in-depth conversations that will take place long after drupa 2024? We take a look.


Drupa themes – How you can See the Potential to shape future success

Are you ready to see how highly automated industry redefining technologies brought together at drupa 2024 will ignite...


Why you should say hello, not goodbye, to printed communications

We are constantly being asked to focus on paper-reducing behaviour: both at work and at home. Emails often include...


Seeing the potential at drupa 2024

After an eight-year break due to the pandemic, 2024 is finally a drupa year again!


AI streamlines digital printing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone's lips and is reaching the publishing business. The first applications...


How to make more sales with social commerce

Social commerce is a lucrative playing field for digital printers. How to engage on Facebook, Instagram or Tictoc for...
