Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH has today opened a new Digital Imaging Square (DIS) at its European headquarters in Langenhagen, Germany, further underlining its commitment to customers in the professional and industrial printing markets. The new centre of excellence gives customers a hands on experience through live demonstrations.

Nearly 20 systems and several complete workflows make up the 550 m2 showroom. The Light Production room has entry level production printing, including wide format products. The successful bizhub PRESS series will be at the heart of the Mid Production Print showcase, while the Industrial Print room will house the bizhub PRESS C71cf label press and the AccurioJet KM-1 B2+ UV inkjet press, as well as MGI products.

Important step forward in Europe

Indy Nakagawa, President of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, says: “We are very pleased to open our new DIS this week. Our management philosophy is the creation of new value. This time we are adding new values such as industrial printing solutions to our professional printing business. In this industry, we have developed a strong presence over the past years.” He continues: “DIS is a space we share with our customers, who can test and prove their applications with our solutions so that they can turn their innovative ideas into reality and generate new value for their clients.”

Workflows in a living environment

Complete workflows cover label, commercial and industrial print markets, as well as wide-format solutions. Highlights of Konica Minolta’s broad portfolio also include partner products and solutions from other major players such as EFI, MGI, KIP, as well as finishing options from Plockmatic, Watkiss and SDD.

Olaf Lorenz, General Manager, International Marketing Division at Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, says: “With our product and workflow solutions portfolio continuing to expand, it is important that customers can see our products and world-class capabilities close-up which is why we invested heavily in this showroom. It is another way in which our customers can witness the strength, vision and quality of Konica Minolta’s all-encompassing services.”

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About Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH, based in Langenhagen, Germany, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Konica Minolta Inc., Tokyo, Japan, forming part of its Business Technologies business area. As a leading global services provider in the field of IT- and document processes as well as digital production printing solutions the company excels in services-led business consulting, implementation and management and provides a range of world-leading printing systems and solutions. In this context, Konica Minolta’s Optimized Print Services concept (OPS) combines consultancy, hardware, software implementation, and operation in order to enhance business process efficiency and cost-effectiveness. To support customers optimally with powerful and sustainable solutions, technology leader Konica Minolta continuously invests in research and development work and regularly sets new standards.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe is represented by subsidiaries and distributors in more than 80 countries in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. With over 35,000 employees around the world (as of March 2016), Konica Minolta’s Business Technologies business area earned net sales of over EUR 6.2 billion in financial year 2015/16.

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