The importance of color is often taken for granted, but it has a wide range of roles in our lives: not only does it influence our tastes in food and other purchases, it may reveal product quality, or even a person's health. Despite the importance of color, color measurement and color control is often overlooked. This can lead to problems in deciding, specifying and communicating product color or in business transactions involving color.
Visual assessments of color are subject to the assessor's impression, experience, technique and environment, which makes it practically impossible to control color accurately using common, uniform standards. Instrumental color measurement allows you to express a given color accurately, communicate it to another person, and have that person correctly reproduce the color. Konica Minolta Sensing specialise in helping businesses measure and communicate color in virtually all fields of industry and study. Konica Minolta also provide Training and Education to enable users to implement successful color measurement processes. Our Precise Color Communication booklet is an introduction to color theory and best practice color measurement.
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